Thursday, 6 October 2011

Day 4

I know I've been slacking but I was too tired to post last night!! Yesterday was very good though after my crazy intense workout.  I definitely had more energy but I've still been sleeping like a rock!  Which I guess is a good thing and means I'm tiring myself out.  And it is still easy to get up in the morning.  So all-in-all feeling good.

The only thing yesterday was the thought of eating chicken made me want to vomit all day!  I think I just did a really terrible job cooking my chicken on Sunday...suuuuuper dry!  I now remember why I became a vegetarian so long ago.  I've decided that a boyfriend would be nice due to the fact that other than for the obvious reasons they are really good for cooking meat!   I will be taking leftovers from home after this weekend for sure!

Today's workout wasn't terrible.  Still exhausting though.  Squats, lunges, and burpees in two count-down legs were toast.  Speed intervals on the treadmill were not very easy after that!  I can't wait until this stuff starts to feel easier!  If that ever happens.  But I must say, pushing myself like this makes me feel very good at the end of the day!

Last thing, I realized I am so sore because I have not picked up the L-Carnatine supplement yet which is definitely the one to help repair muscle...ooops!  I will definitely be stopping to pick that up on my way home on Friday!

That's all for this morning!  Enjoy the beautiful weather!


P.S.  All of your comments are so helpful and motivating!  Thank you!!!

1 comment:

  1. Steph...again just don't know what to say....I shake my head as you are so totally committed and looking at all the positives to get through daily...sleeping well, exercise is keeping your energy etc etc. Definitely, I will be cooking a feast of turkey and veggies this weekend so you don't have to worry one bit bout cooking yourself! You're amazing and I look forward to feasting on veggies and turkey with you!!!!!
