Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Day 2


Day 2, but strength workout number one...also known as the first killer.  The thing said 1-3 rounds of the circuit consisting of 8 bodyweight exercises.  Halfway through round one I thought I was going to die!  I ended up doing 1 1/2 sets but holyyy my whole body is still shaking!  I could barely get up and down the stairs to get to my car.  I think I may just be sore tomorrow...definitely going to treat myself to a massage after these first 2 weeks.

BUT!  I was proud of myself for even getting out of my cozy bed this morning, because that was definitely a struggle.

I'm thinking the next 2-5 days will be the biggest struggle with my body getting used to all of the changes, but I keep telling myself that if I make it through this first week I will be golden.

So last nights dinner was awesome! Especially after an ok lunch of dried out chicken breast (apparently I'm no good with a BBQ) on salad.  I am officially a fish person due to my tilapia baked in tinfoil with spices last night...mmmm

Today is a long day at school, so I have packed almost all of my meals.  Speaking of...time to get ready!



  1. your horoscope today>>>what you gain over the next few days will more than make up for what you have lost in recent weeks.

    I think this one is KEY for you!!

    Forget the infamous motherly words of "this too shall pass" every time something negative happens.....because knowing that this hasn't exactly been a stellar year for you and you've been left disappointed in many cases it is refreshing to believe that all these negatives have been necessary for this new positive.

    Day 2 for you....you killed it at the gym/almost killed yourself. I stayed in my warm bed and ignored my alarm clock....you are a better stronger harder working beautiful person!!!! Keep it up sista.

    [hey hey heyyy pony ride.xo]

  2. Speechless for this comment...enough said.
