Monday 24 October 2011

Half Way!

Well a day over half way but that still counts!  I feel like the hot yoga took all my energy stores away so I've been SOOOOO hungry!  But I guess that just means the process is working like a charm...first place here i come!!

I honestly can't believe its half over.  I definitely think I am going to keep this up all of the way until Christmas so I am in crazy shape for snowboarding season and nursing placement.  Maintenance will be much easier than trying to lose weight during my first experience with shift work.

I know I'm not supposed to know about Christmas presents, but I'm getting a snowboard for Christmas!!!  I think that is a pretty sweet reward for doing all of this..and let me tell you, it is a Sexxxy board!  I cannot wait!!

Ok, real life talk over.  Skinny jean talk...

I woke up super early to get my whole workout in today, but it was great!  I haven't increased the amount of times I go through the circuit but I have added weights and my intervals are improving so I am going to increase next week when I have more time.  It still takes me an hour so I am still getting huge benefit.

Last week I forgot to say that I had to study without snacks for the first time in over a year.  I was scared but it went really well!  And I got an awesome mark!  So the key was to prepare ahead of time and take breaks.  I also think this challenge is making me smarter.  Plus, dancing with live music turns on 98% of your brain - so my brain has been thriving on dance days!

I think that is all for now.  I don't want to bore you all!

Keep up the healthy yourselves!!


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