Monday 10 October 2011

Day 8

Happy Thanksgiving!!  Sorry for the temporary hiatus, but I got sidetracked with family, turkey and homework.  


Still going strong.  I had my day off the gym yesterday which was nice, but a little weird.  So, today I was back at it and I killed the workout.  I got through it 2 times this time and felt good, which is better than my 1 1/2 times last week...YAY!  BUT I got on the treadmill and ran my first interval and my achilles tendonitis started acting up again so I had to finish on the bike, which for me is not ideal.  (I emailed my chiropractor as soon as i got home - i need to fix this little problem FAST!!!)

Eating is still good.  Turkey was awesome!!! So much better than my dried out chicken breasts.  So I got ALL of the leftover white meat to take home.  Still eating it...mmm.  My dad also cooked me a bunch of chicken the proper way, so I am set for a while now.  No more wanting to vomit every meal. 

I feel like I am being more productive, sleeping better and feeling pretty darn good about myself.  AND I have zero cravings.  I honestly have never done this well on a nutrition plan before IN MY LIFE.

We got cable at our house so I am enjoying a marathon of 'suits' with my roomate while catching up on homework on this beautiful thanksgiving Monday.  I love holidays!

Back to the grind tomorrow though.

Peace out!


p.s. still no L-Carnitine.  The store was out.  It must be on popular demand.  The search continues in London this week.  Wish me luck!

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